Some short guide here about matrices in general.
Matrix Manipulation¶
Stormworks provides a limited set of matrix functions that are useful for transforming positions of objects in scripts:
Multiply two matrices together.
out_matrix = matrix.multiply(matrix1, matrix2)
Very useful in combination with matrix.translation when you need change or randomize matrix.
local old_transform = server.getVehiclePos(vehicle_id)
local new_transform = matrix.multiply(old_transform, matrix.translation(0, -2, 0))
Invert a matrix.
out_matrix = matrix.invert(matrix1)
Transpose a matrix.
out_matrix = matrix.transpose(matrix1)
Return an identity matrix.
out_matrix = matrix.identity()
Return a rotation matrix rotated in the X axis. out_matrix = matrix.rotationX(radians) Return a rotation matrix rotated in the Y axis. out_matrix = matrix.rotationY(radians) Return a rotation matrix rotated in the Z axis. out_matrix = matrix.rotationZ(radians) Return a translation matrix translated by x,y,z. out_matrix = matrix.translation(x,y,z) Get the x,y,z position from a matrix. x,y,z = matrix.position(matrix1) Find the distance between two matrices. dist = matrix.distance(matrix1, matrix2) Multiplies a matrix by a vec 4. out_x, out_y, out_z, out_w = matrix.multiplyXYZW(matrix1, x, y, z, w) Returns the rotation required to face an X Z vector. out_rotation = matrix.rotationToFaceXZ(x, z)